Chemotherapy can damage your body’s ability to make red blood cells, so body tissues don't get enough oxygen. This is a condition called anemia. People who have anemia may feel very weak or tired, dizzy, faint, or short of breath, or may feel that their hearts are beating very fast.
Nearly all chemo medicines suppress the bone marrow. And that, in turn, causes a reduction in the number of blood cells. This raises the risk for anemia, infection, bleeding, and bruising. Here's what you need to know.
Treatment for cancer, as well as the cancer itself, can affect your sense of taste or smell. You may find that many foods seem to have less taste. Other foods, especially meat or other high-protein foods, may taste bitter or metallic. Read on to learn what you can do about it.
Nausea, vomiting, or changes in food’s taste or smell all may contribute to you losing your appetite. Sometimes, the cancer treatment itself will make you feel like not eating.
These skills take practice, and the more you practice them, the more helpful they are. Some people find it helpful to listen to soothing music as they practice.
You have come to the decision with your healthcare provider to try an antidepressant medicine for depression. To take antidepressant drugs medicine safely, you will need some information, which you can find here.
If you have osteoporosis, your bones become porous and weak. As they lose strength, they are more likely to break. People with osteoporosis are particularly at risk for breaking these bones.
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become porous and weak. As they lose strength, they are more likely to break. Bones in the spine, hip, wrist, pelvis, and upper arm are particularly at risk of fracture in people with osteoporosis.
Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to help loosen the bowels. If you do not have mouth sores, try warm and hot fluids, including water, to help provide relief from constipation symptoms.
Check with your healthcare provider to see if you can increase the fiber in your diet. If you can, try foods such as whole-grain breads and cereals, dried fruits, wheat bran, and wheat germ; fresh fruits and vegetables; and dried beans and peas.
Your healthcare provider may prescribe a medicine to control your symptoms. Or if symptoms persist, you may need fluid replacement intravenously (IV). It is possible to replace these fluids intravenously on an outpatient basis. When you are having chemotherapy, you should not take any over-the-counter medicines for diarrhea without first talking with your healthcare provider.
During cancer treatment, you need enough calories and protein. But the foods you choose can also help you cope with side effects of cancer and its treatment. Here's what you need to know.
Fatigue can come and go or stay constant for a while. Fatigue from chemotherapy tends to happen a few days after the treatment, peaks, and then gets better before the next treatment. Fatigue from radiation may not happen right away.
Fatigue is a feeling of being tired, weak, or exhausted. It's the most common side effect of cancer and cancer treatment.
If you have mouth problems, eat soft, soothing foods (at cold or room temperature), and puree cooked foods in the blender to make them smoother and easier to eat.
Chemotherapy is the use of medicines to treat cancer. The medicines can cause an inflammation of the lining of the mouth. The mouth is lined with mucous membranes. When these are inflamed, it’s called mouth mucositis.
After getting a few treatments, some people feel nausea and begin vomiting in anticipation of the next treatment. The reaction is usually caused by something related to the treatment, like the smell of alcohol or the sight of a medical uniform.
Helpful tips on foods to choose if you have nausea and vomiting during cancer treatment.
Your calcium level can become too high if your cancer has spread to the bones, causing calcium to be released. Or your cancer may release certain hormones that affect the normal systems that control the calcium level in your blood.
Dyspnea is the technical word for difficulty breathing. It's a common symptom in people who have lung cancer or have cancer that has spread to the lungs.
Palliative care focuses on improving a patient's quality of life by improving the symptoms of his or her illness, such as pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty sleeping. It's used with a variety of ailments, including cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney failure, or congestive heart failure.
Chemotherapy can affect both the skin and nails. It may cause an increased sensitivity to the sun as well as redness, rashes, itching, peeling, dryness, or acne. Nails may become darkened, yellow, brittle, or cracked, and may also develop vertical lines or ridges.
People often choose to wear wigs, scarves, or hats while or after losing their hair. If this is what you would like to do, pick them out ahead of time and start wearing them before your hair is completely gone.
One common problem in insomnia is that the bed has become connected with things other than sleep. This makes it hard to use the bed for sleep when you want.
One side effect of cancer and cancer treatment is sleeping too much. This is called hypersomnia, meaning too much sleep.